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If you are seeking drug and alcohol related addiction rehab for yourself or a loved one, the hotline is a confidential and convenient solution.
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Table of Contents
Opium is a drug that has deep roots in the history of man. The oldest known opium seeds date back to 5000 BCE and there is evidence that the plant was used as food and as an analgesic at this time. The plant was discussed throughout much of the history of the East and it made its way into wider European medicine around 1527, although it is believed to have been used centuries earlier though the practice was lost at some point.
Around this same time opium began being used recreationally throughout China, but it did not truly become popular until the 17th century when global trade routes allowed for it to become less expensive and more readily available. The drug traditionally was smoked and it sometimes even was mixed with tobacco, which at the time was another luxury.
While opium had made it way to America early in the countries history, its rise in usage truly took off on the West Coast of the US in the late 1800s, when a wave of Chinese immigrants brought the practice with them to their new country. Soon after this most countries began to outlaw the production and sale of opium as they began to see the horrors that it could bring.
In 1905 it was estimated that 25% of the male population in China were regular opium users and this was a trend that was being followed suit through a lot of the world.
While the modern era of drug usage has not really heard much about opium usage, besides in regards to the wars that have been fought in the first part of the 21st century, it is still an opiate, and it is still a dangerous controlled substance.
In a very real sense the basis for all opioids and all of the issues we face today have their grounding in opium and although the average recreational opiate user in the U.S. tends to favor heroin or morphine, opium is still a problem that must be faced.
Also when taking into account the larger implications of opium and poppy production, and the fact that Americans consume roughly 80% of the annual opium harvest worldwide, you can see how this single plant has been and still is a scourge on our country.
While it may not sound believable at first, and while you may want to think otherwise, if you believe that your loved one is currently abusing opium, then please read on so that you can learn more and find a way to help them into recovery.
The short term effects of opium are usually not as pronounced as some of the modern opioids due to the fact that these drugs are tremendously more powerful than opium, but with that said the short term effects of opium can still be dangerous.
One of the most common short term effects of opium that most people experience when they use the drug is drowsiness. While the side effect is described as drowsiness, it is really more so an inability to stay awake or total sedation. Individuals who smoke opium very often are unable to stay awake after doing so, as the drug causes them to essentially fall asleep doing whatever action it is that they are doing. A person could be in the middle of a conversation and then all of a sudden their eyes close as they trail off in their sentence. This is a common thing seen among people abusing opiates of any kind, and it can be alarming to witness.
One of the short term effects of opium that is not necessarily attributed to other forms of opiates is paranoia. Individuals have described experiencing paranoia when doing Oxycontin or heroin for extended periods of time, but when it comes to doing opium the chances of an individual experiencing this elevated level of paranoia increases significantly.
Some of the other most common short term effects of opium include:
Having a loved one that is addicted to opium can be a very difficult thing to handle. For one it is not a particularly common addiction to have in this day and age, and secondly watching them go down a path of addiction is one of the worst things that a parent, friend, partner or sibling can experience.
Yet as terrible as it is there are ways in which you can deal with your loved one’s addiction and learn how to reclaim your life. You do not have to ideally sit by and watch them go down a bad path, but rather you can educate yourself on the matter and decide what is best for you and for your family.
It is important to say that there are no known medical reasons to take opium, as described above. So with that in mind the only real suggestion for an individual who is using opium and wants to know how to cope with the short term effects, is for them to stop usage immediately. Not only is this drug highly addictive, but smoking it can cause a great deal of damage to the mind and to the lungs. Not to mention that there is a very good possibility that some point you will wind up switching to another more readily available opiate, and when this occurs your addiction can really take growth.
So if you find that you or a loved one is unable to cope with the effects of opium, then you should seek professional medical assistance immediately. Almost every treatment center in the country is equipped to help you find the path to recovery from opium addiction and so help is not that far away. It may seem like stopping using any substance is an impossibility in your life, but this is simply an untruth that your mind is telling you in order to keep you wrapped up in your addiction. Many millions of people have been in your shoes before and found a way out, so you can as well.
Please continue to read the section below to find out ways in which you can get help for your opium addiction.
If you find that you cannot stop using opium even though you would like to, then you may be suffering from opium addiction. While you may be embarrassed by the fact that you cannot stop using opium, it is important to understand that addiction is an actual recognizable disease and as such you’re inability to stop on your own should not be a cause for shame or guilt. It is estimated that 1 in 6 adults in the United States suffer from addiction, so you are not alone in your struggles, nor do you have to fight them by yourself. So if you are at the point where you would you like help overcoming your addiction, call us at 1-866-972-7714. We are standing by to provide you with the best treatment and recovery options, so that you can finally leave behind your old life of addiction and start new on the road to recovery. Call now!